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It’s easy to doubt yourself and your abilities. To believe you aren’t good enough.
It can be hard to stay positive, and believe in yourself. Particularly when negativity surrounds you.
But what if there was a way for you to create change?
What if you could learn how to build your confidence, so that you can start living your life without being filled with doubt and self worry.
What if there was a way to completely change how you viewed the world? To see potential, and promise in almost every situation.
To be willing to take action, even when you are scared. And to know deep down, that you’ll be okay re gardless.
To saunter into every room, believing in yourself, and not needing to be validated by others.
To have such a strong conviction in yourself and your abilities, that you are able to finally start living the life you’ve always dreamt about.
The 30 Day Confidence Challenge makes that possible
The 30 day confidence is a personal development program designed by experts to change your brain to make you more confident.
You will complete 1 activity every day to rewire your brain for confidence.
Some of these activities will be quick and simple. Others will require you to leave your comfort zone, and push yourself a bit.
But you will be guided every step of the way, and each activity has been created to make a difference in how you view the world around you.
You can rewire your brain to be more confident
Your brain is your body’s command center. Your every action, thought, and feeling is determined based on how your brain is wired.
Fortunately, neuroscience has established that neuroplasticity means you can rewire your brain to be more confident. To believe in yourself and your abilities, regardless of what other people think.
Becoming confident is much easier than most people realize. It simply requires understanding the science behind confidence and habits. And using it to make small, but significant changes in your life.
Sneak peek into secret # 1 of being more confident.
Psychologists have now confirmed that confidence is actually a habit, not a personality trait. This means your level of confidence can be transformed, if you work on it.
Remember, it takes a minimum of 21 days to create any new habit. Confidence is no different. During this 30 day self confidence challenge, you will make use of psychological techniques to develop the habit of self confidence.
Understanding Self confidence
What is confidence?
Confidence is a feeling, state of mind, or set of beliefs where you have faith in yourself. Where you genuinely believe in yourself.
Self confidence is the conviction that no matter what happens, you have the ability to meet life’s challenges head on. And the willingness to take action accordingly
Here’s the funny thing. Confidence has nothing to do with your actually abilities. It is simply your belief about your abilities.
Confidence is the secret to achieving everything you want.
Your abilities don’t impact your confidence. But your confidence does impact both your abilities and success.
And the reason for that is remarkably simple. The more you believe in yourself, the more likely you are to take risks. The more likely you are to try new things.
Even if other people tell you, you can’t do it.
Even if it makes you look stupid to others.
Even if you fail at it multiple times.
You will do it again, and again. And each time you do it, your skills will improve a bit more. Until suddenly, before you know it, you will be an expert in that area.
What you will have learned by the end of the 30 day confidence challenge
Art of self-aware body language
Your body language impacts how other people perceive you, and how you feel about yourself. People with more confident body language – regardless of how they actually currently feel – are more likely to be successful. They are also more highly regarded by their peers.
Things like your eye contact, how you stand, the way you place your hands and your gestures are simple to change. But they make a huge difference in how other people perceive you.
When you initially start to step out of your comfort zone, these psychological trips will help make the process so much easier.
Furthermore, simply acting confident will make you start to feel more confident. Fake it till you make it, actually works in the long run, because your new behavior will start to change the wiring in your brain.
Power poses to feel more confident
Practicing power poses before doing something which you are uncertain about, will automatically make you feel more confident, and more likely to succeed in it.
The power poses you learn during this challenge are simple, but can be life changing.
Imagine that you are about to have an important meeting that you are starting to feel stressed about. And simply doing power poses in the comfort of your room makes you feel more confident.
Stop caring about what other people think
One thing we have found many people struggle with is caring too much about what other people think of them.
What helps alleviate fears about what other people think is realizing that what it doesn’t matter. You are who you are, and what they think of you usually has more to do with their personal issues than it does about you.
Research has also found that we are terrible at knowing what someone else is actually thinking. That’s because our brain lies to us, by distorting the truth. Psychologists call these lies cognitive distortions.
You may know all these things, and yet have a tough time not caring about what other people think of you.
That’s why our experts have designed exercises specifically geared towards helping you achieve this goal.
Willingness to act even if you are afraid
Each one of us is afraid of doing something. No matter how confident we are. Becoming more confident won’t mean that you are fearless. But it will give you the ability to have faith in yourself and your abilities, even when you are doing something you are afraid of.
At the end of this 30 day challenge you will have the ability to tackle your fears with confidence. You will stop worrying about the “what ifs,” because you will know that regardless of what happens, you will be okay.
But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Confidence is a habit. It is something that you cultivate on a daily basis, until it becomes automatic, like all other habits.
During this 30 day self confidence challenge you will learn how to create your personal confidence habit, through cues, rewards, and habit stacking.
The 30 day self confidence challenge process will be ongoing
This 30 day confidence challenge will help you rewire your brain and create a confidence habit. The skills you learn are something that you will use for the rest of your life.
The confidence toolkit that this challenge will provide you with stay with you forever.
It can be hard to change your mindset, but remember even the most succesful people started out where you are today.
You can achieve anything that you want.
You just have to take action!
Some activities that are included in the 30 day self confidence challenge:
- Get to the root of your fears
- Create a science backed self-confidence habit
- Learn how to rewire your brain to be more confident
- Train your body to change how you feel
- Body language techniques to make you appear more confident
- Create your fear ladder
- Step out of your comfort zone and start to face your fears.\