affirmations for perfectionism

Overcoming perfectionism with affirmations 

If you’re a perfectionist, you know that the quest for perfection can be all-consuming and never-ending. You might feel like you can never measure up, no matter how hard you try. The perfectionism struggle can be real. Even though you know that striving for perfection is impossible and counterproductive, you can’t seem to help yourself. You might feel like your brain is constantly telling you that you’re not good enough.

What is perfectionism

Perfectionism is the need to meet unrealistically high standards. It is caused by self-defeating thoughts and judgments which lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.

Perfectionists are often very self-critical and can have very negative thoughts. They often say things to themselves like “I am so stupid” or “I need to be better.” These negative thoughts can lead to feelings of anxiety, guilt, and depression.

Affirmations to Replace Perfectionist Thoughts

If you are a perfectionist your brain is used to being self-critical. That’s why you need to deliberately replace your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself in order to change your mindset and beliefs. When you repeat an affirmation enough, it can begin to reprogram your brain and help you to see yourself in a more positive light. If you’re struggling with perfectionism, here are some affirmations to get you started. 

List of affirmations to overcome perfectionism

  1. I am not my mistakes 
  2. I am more than my mistakes
  3. I am worthy of love and respect 
  4.  My opinion of myself is more important than other people’s opinions of me 
  5. I am not perfect and that’s okay 
  6. I will not let my fear of failure hold me back 
  7. I am capable of making mistakes and learning from them 
  8. I am allowed to make mistakes 
  9. My worth is not based on my achievements
  10. I’m doing the best that I can right now
  11. I love and accept myself for who I am
  12. I am good enough just as I am.
  13. I don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love and respect.
  14. It’s okay to make mistakes. Everybody does it.
  15. I am allowed to be human.
  16. I don’t have to do everything perfectly in order to be a valuable person.
  17. I am allowed to have imperfections.
  18. I will not let my fear of making mistakes hold me back from living my life to the fullest.
  19. I am capable of handling whatever life throws at me.
  20. I am strong enough to overcome any obstacle.
  21. I am resilient and I can bounce back from anything.
  22. Mistakes are part of life and part of learning.
  23. I am not defined by my mistakes.
  24. I am so much more than just my mistakes.
  25. Everybody makes mistakes, it’s okay if I do too.
  26. My value as a person is not based on my achievement or perfection.
  27. It’s okay for me to make mistakes and learn from them.
  28. I am allowed to be human and have imperfections.
  29. I am not perfect and that is okay.
  30. I will not let my fear of making mistakes stop me from living my fullest life.
  31. I am capable of handling whatever comes my way.
  32. I am strong enough to overcome any obstacle.
  33. No matter what happens, I will always bounce back.
  34. Mistakes are part of life and a part of learning.
  35. I am not defined by my mistakes.

How to use affirmations to overcome perfectionism

There is no one right way to recite affirmations. Some people find it helpful to say them out loud, while others prefer to say them in their heads. Some people like to write down their affirmations and read them each day, while others prefer to keep them in their minds.

That being said we recommend you chose one method of reciting your affirmations and stick to it for a minimum of 30 days. Remember it takes a minimum of 21 days to create a habit, after which your brain will begin automatically to recall the affirmations in response to perfectionist thoughts.

30-Day Challenge Using Affirmations to Overcome Perfectionism

To begin your 30-day challenge using affirmations to overcome perfectionist thoughts then follow the 4 steps below.

Step 1: Select a minimum of 3 affirmations that you relate to

Look through our list of affirmations to overcome perfectionism below, and select the 3 which you relate to the most. Write them down on a piece of paper 3 times each before you begin reciting them out loud.

Step 2: Select a time and place where you can repeat each affirmation 10 times a day

You are much more likely to stick to repeating the affirmations every day if you have already determined where and when you will recite them every day. It doesn’t matter whether you chose to repeat them in the morning or at night provided you stick to the same place each day. This will also increase the chances of the affirmations becoming a habit. This means that eventually, you won’t have to make a conscious effort to repeat the affirmations. Your brain will do them automatically.

Step 3: Print out a 30-day challenge calendar and check off each day that you successfully repeat the affirmations

Print out a 30-day challenge calendar and check off each day that you successfully repeat the affirmations. The simple act of checking of a day will make you feel good about yourself. And it will increase the chances of you repeating the affirmations for a full 30 days.

Step 4: Every time you notice yourself having perfectionist thoughts repeat the affirmations in your head.

For this last step, simply pay attention to your thoughts, and every time you notice yourself having perfectionist thoughts repeat the affirmations to yourself as many times as you want. Ideally, it should be a minimum of 5 times.

This step may take a bit longer to get used to because you have to actually pay attention to your thoughts. But once you start doing it, you will see a huge change in your life. Over time your brain will learn to substitute its perfectionist thoughts for more calming and loving affirmations.

Details of Affirmations to overcome perfectionism

If you find it hard to connect with any of the affirmations above read the detailed explanations of each of them to see if that helps. As a perfectionist you may be tempted to choose the perfect affirmations – so try not to overthink them too much1

I love and accept myself for who I am

This is my absolute favorite affirmation and is useful for everyone no matter their situation. Most people (and perfectionists in particular) have a hard time accept accepting themselves for who they are. We think we will love ourselves when we improve just a bit more. And while self-growth is important, loving and accepting yourself now, will actually help you grow more and become a better person.

I am not my mistakes 

This is a powerful affirmation for anyone who is hard on themselves when they make a mistake. Remember, everyone makes mistakes – even perfectionists understand this concept intellectually, but they still struggle to accept it emotionally. So keep repeating this affirmation until it finally sinks in.  

I am more than my mistakes 

This is a logical extension of the previous affirmation. It affirms not only that you are NOT your mistakes, but also that you ARE more than your mistakes. You are a complex individual with many positive qualities, and your mistakes do not define you as a person. 

I am worthy of love and respect 

One of the biggest lies that perfectionists tell themselves is that they are not good enough and do not deserve love or respect. This could not be further from the truth! You are worthy of love and respect, just like everyone else. Start believing it!  

My opinion of myself is more important than other people’s opinions of me 

What other people think of you does not matter nearly as much as what YOU think of yourself. Other people’s opinions are often based on their own flawed worldviews and judgments, so why give them so much power over how you see yourself? This affirmation will help put things into perspective. 

I am not perfect and that’s okay 

This is probably the most important affirmation on this list. It is a simple statement of fact, but it is also a powerful reminder that you do NOT have to be perfect to be happy and successful in life. You are perfectly imperfect, just like everyone else!  

I will not let my fear of failure hold me back 

Perfectionists are often paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes or failing. But if you never take risks, you will never achieve anything great in life. So repeat this affirmation often, and make a commitment to yourself to take more risks in the future. 

I am capable of making mistakes and learning from them 

This affirmation is closely related to the previous one. It acknowledges the fact that you are capable of making mistakes, but it also affirms that you have the ability to learn from those mistakes. This is an important lesson for perfectionists to learn. 

I am allowed to make mistakes 

This is another powerful affirmation for anyone who struggles with perfectionism. It affirms that you are not only capable of making mistakes, but that you are actually ALLOWED to make them! This may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in how you see yourself and your mistakes. 

My worth is not based on my achievements

This is an important affirmation for anyone who feels like they have to achieve perfection in order to feel good about themselves. The truth is that your worth as a person is not based on your achievements or anything else external to you. You are worthy simply because you exist! 

I’m doing the best that I can right now

This is a great affirmation for perfectionists who are struggling with the feeling that they should be doing more or better. It is a reminder that you are doing the best you can right now, and that is good enough. 

I am not perfect and that’s okay

This is a simple statement of fact, but it is also a powerful reminder that you do NOT have to be perfect to be happy and successful in life. You are perfectly imperfect, just like everyone else!

I am good enough just as I am.

This is a great affirmation for anyone who is struggling with self-acceptance. It is a reminder that you are good enough just as you are, and that you are worthy of love and respect.

I don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love and respect.

If you are struggling with the belief that you have to be perfect to be worthy of love and respect, then this is for you. It is a reminder that you are worthy of love and respect, just as you are. You don’t have to change in order for someone to truly love and respect you.

Final words

If perfectionism has been holding you back, it’s time to let it go. These affirmations will help get you started on your journey to self-acceptance and peace of mind. Remember, change takes time – so be patient with yourself and keep repeating these affirmations until they become part of your belief system. And if you need some extra support, consider seeking out therapy or joining a support group for perfectionists. With time and effort, you CAN overcome perfectionism!

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